Burden of a King

CK Publishing/ Born Media
CK Publishing / Born Media
3 min readOct 10, 2022


The king was tired.

It had been a long day, and he just wanted to go to bed. But as he lay down, his mind raced through all the things he needed to do tomorrow. He wasn’t ready for the responsibility of being king — he had never wanted it in the first place!

And then there was the weight of the crown on his head. It was so heavy that he couldn’t even sit up straight anymore — his neck muscles were too strained from supporting it all day long. He tried taking it off and placing it on a nearby table, but then he felt naked without it; like he wasn’t really a king at all unless he had that heavy crown on his head.

King’s burden

The King had a dream.

He dreamed of a world where people could be free from the tyranny of kings, where people could live as they wished and make their own decisions about their lives. He dreamed of a world where all people could experience the freedom that he had been born into.

The king knew that if he wanted to make this dream come true, he would have to leave behind his kingdom and go on a journey across the land in search of those who were willing to help him make his dream a reality. He would have to travel far beyond his own borders, into places that were unknown to him and where no one knew his name or title as king.

The king set off on his journey with only two companions: an old man who had been his friend since childhood and an orphan boy who had been taken in by the court after his parents died during an outbreak of plague several years before. Together they traveled many miles through forests filled with bears, over mountains where snow covered everything except for small patches of grass here and there, until eventually they reached a place where trees grew taller than any others they had ever seen before — so tall that their tops disappeared into clouds above them!


King looked out over his kingdom, the crown of his head bent under the weight of his people’s expectations. The kingdom was ripe with industry and commerce, but it was also rife with discontent. The king had done his best to lead by example, but he could see that his people were not satisfied.

It was then that a group of blockchain developers approached the king with an idea. They would use their skills to build a new system for running the kingdom, one that would be more transparent and fair than anything ever seen before. They called this system Web3, and they invited the king to join them in making history on its blockchain.

blockchain developers

The king agreed immediately and set about learning everything he could about Web3 technology — how it worked, what problems it solved for people like him who wanted do good work for their communities without having to worry about being able to pay their bills at night or feeding their families during times of famine or war. He came up with a plan for how he could use Web3 technology to bring transparency into all aspects of life within his kingdom: from how taxes were collected and spent; to how food was grown; even down to how children were taught at school!

The King’s Burden

The king’s burden is a heavy one.

It weighs on his shoulders, and it’s made of gold.

The people have come together to lift him up, and now he stands tall on the blockchain.

Written by: CK

Community Born Bored Media.



CK Publishing/ Born Media
CK Publishing / Born Media

Just an Ape with a story to tell. NFT Educator and Sales trainer. Aspiring author and content creator.